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Chinese New Year 2015 - The Spring Festival

Today, February 19, 2015, is the year of the Goat!!

A bit of history (which never hurts)

Yes, today we celebrate the New Year in China and in all those countries where the lunar calendar rules. All Chinese scattered around the world are preparing to celebrate the Spring Festival (or Lunar New Year), but we Westerners have dubbed as the Chinese New Year. It marks the first day of the new year on the Chinese calendar, which differs from the Gregorian calendar; each year is represented by an animal zodiac sign. It is believed that this festival dates back from prehistoric times. It marks the beginning of the new lunar cycle and is called the Spring Festival since it falls between the December solstice and the March equinox.

China follows the Gregorian calendar for daily business, but the dates of the new year and other major Chinese festivals are determined by the Chinese calendar. An animal is ssigned to each Chinese New Year according to the Chinese calendar. According to a belief, Buddha promised gifts to all the animals that would have paid homage. Only 12 animals came to honor Buddha so, for benevolence, everyone was given one of the 12 years of the Chinese Zodiac.

It is said that people born during one of these years will inherit the distinctive characteristics of this animal; the signs are repeated every 12 years and they are these:

Mouse (鼠 Shǔ), Ox (牛 niu), Tiger (虎 Hǔ), Rabbit or Hare (兔 Tù), dragon (龙 Lóng), Snake (蛇 Shé), Horse (马 mǎ), goat or sheep (羊 Yang ), Monkey (猴 HOU), Gallo (鸡 jI), Dog (狗 Gǒu), Pig or Boar (猪 Zhū)

The Year of the Goat (2015)

So how people are like under this sign? People born in the year of the goat are generally considered gentle, shy, funny, and full of a strong sense of justice. They have very delicate thoughts, strong creativity and thus acquire professional skills. They have strong inner resistance and excellent defensive instincts. Even if you prefer to be in groups, they do not want to be the egocenter. Reserved and quiet, most likely because they like to spend a lot of time lost in their thoughts.

How Chinese people celebrate it?

Usually, they make offerings to local gods, the typical custom is to wear new clothes, especially in red because it used to stave off evil spirits. Great feast are set up for family and friends and they participate in the lion and dragon dances, as well as parades with acrobatic demonstrations. Many children receive "lucky money" in red envelopes and the house doors are opened to let the luck of the Chinese New Year to come in. It is also celebrated with the festival of the lantern, where people hang lanterns decorated in the temples in the hope to bring good luck.

Chinese customs

The Chinese New Year has many symbols and traditions. For example, flowers are an important part of the decorations. Two flowers that are often associated with the Chinese New Year are the plum blossom (which means courage and hope) and the water narcissus. Many houses and shops expose citrus fruits like mandarins and oranges as a sign of good fortune and wealth.

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